Kaleidoscope Creators on Female Representation in the Media

The Kaleidoscope Film
2 min readMay 3, 2021


Why is representation important in this film ?

Sofia: At the end of the day, we wanted the story to stay true to its roots. The story follows two half sisters navigating their relationship with one another. There is vulnerability masked by passive aggressive nuances, there is heart, there is internal turmoil, there is a push and pull between ego and having a 50/50 female crew allowed us to inform it that much more. A full male crew would have been a completely different dynamic.

Bella: Not only is female representation important in numbers, but in the quality of truthful storytelling. Showcasing the raw experiences women face in our world is something Sofia and I hope to share on a larger scale. We are grateful for the women (and men) who shared their experiences relating to Kaleidoscope. Its these kinds of dynamic views that allowed us to create something that is engaging, empathetic, and relevant.

If there is one or more thing you think would make the film industry better, what would it be?
Bella: More of an emphasis mentor/mentee guidance. We were lucky that experienced people in the industry give us their stamp of approval early on in our process, which motivated us to keep going. We hope to do the same to other young filmmakers eventually.

Sofia: I agree with Bells, there is already a collective stigma towards the film industry being a “dream” something that is unattainable. The truth is there are so many avenues within the industry and having someone teach you the ropes, give you insight, and who has overcome their fair share of animosity, is a game-changer! It normalizes it.

Kaleidoscope Primary Production Team; Kiva Corshen (left), Shelby Pepper (back left), Annabella Mineghino (center), Sofia Kunz (back right), Atreyu Smith (right front), Taron Lexton (right)

